Jessica Seaton BSc (Hons), MBACP, MUPCA, DipCoaching, DipSupervision
BACP Registered, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapeutic Counsellor
Telephone: +44 (0) 7795 253 457
Email: jessica@rightinsightcounselling.co.uk

Counselling for individuals
Counselling in London and Leeds, offering a safe and confidential space to help you work through life's issues
There are many things in life which we are equipped to deal with either by ourselves or with our loved ones. However for times when we are at a loss to make sense of a situation by ourselves or with those we are close to, reaching out to a therapist will be very beneficial.
Such outdated and negative views that seeing a therapist is a sign of mental illness, is being replaced by a truer picture of how counselling can help you maintain emotional and psychological wellbeing. Research from bodies, such as NICE and WHO, also recognise this, and inform how beneficial counselling is for those dealing with modern day pressures of living.
Counselling service with individuals
In London and Leeds, I have many years of experience working one-to-one with different types of adult clients. Some people want counselling because they feel depressed or have been living with anxiety for too long. Others who seek therapy are not so clear about what is wrong but they know something is not working, and they have areas in their lives they want or need to improve. Our work together will include identifying underlying issues, what is not working and what kind of life it is you want.
How counselling works
Your counselling sessions are weekly, and maybe short term (6 to 12 weeks) or long term (6 months to open ended). How long you need will depend on various factors including how long standing the issues you would like to work through have been around. Also what changes and differences you want to make. We would discuss this so as to form a shared understanding of your needs.
Whether you and I meet face to face, over Skype or by telephone, I work to ensure a safe, non-judgemental and reflective space where clients can bring issues they want to work through for however long they need. The idea being you feel heard and understood, and over time begin to experience and develop confidence in listening to yourself. No longer hearing an inner critic, instead you would have created your own caring and supportive internal guiding system.
I work face to face with many of my clients who have their regular counselling appointments at my Leeds practice. For clients wanting therapy where they are unable to attend in person, I also provide the convenience of Skype counselling and telephone counselling. This means as well as providing counselling in Leeds, I can also work with clients from further afield, across the UK and abroad.
More info on sessions including current fees can be found on our homepage here.
Issues individuals considering counselling may want to understand, and that I can help you with include:
Eating disorders
Family or friends
Making sense of the past
Personal development
Self development
Self esteem
Understanding themselves
Work issues
For more information on how counselling could help, and whether seeing me in person or remotely works best for you please contact me Jessica on 07795 253457, you can also email me at jessica@rightinsightcounselling.co.uk.